December 19, 2015
I’m a 46 year old male who plays touch & squash every week, I went & saw Simon as a result of a recommendation from one of his existing clients. I had an ongoing hamstring injury (6 months) that I just couldn’t seem to sort out. Every time I tried to go faster than a slow jog I would be in pain down the back of my right leg. Simon ended up diagnosing a groin injury & not a hamstring injury. We had 3 x one hour sessions of remedial massage and I maintained some specific stretches he gave me. I can honestly say 3 weeks after seeing him the injury was gone. It has now been 3 months since I last saw him & I have never had even a twitch. I can play touch at pace & stretch in squash without injury. I would strongly recommend anyone give Simon the opportunity to aid a nagging injury.